
Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th? This close to the end of a semester? Oh boy.

I can't wait to go home, reason 492: in BC, spring run-off does not result in tap water that resembles the consistency, smell, and taste of a mud puddle. Admittedly, my knowledge of the nuances of mud puddle flavours is quite low, but I can imagine well enough what it would be like to drink from one.

Even the mightly Brita is powerless to stop all the odour (although it's doing a remarkably good job, but we just got a new one tonight). I'm comforted to know that it's apparently worse than it should be, but then again, that's not really any comfort at all.

Hey, how about that hockey game last night/this morning? No, I didn't stay up to watch it all; my level of desire to invest several extra hours into a hockey game, even in the playoffs, is limited to one period of overtime. That's when I turned it off. Good thing I didn't stay for the second OT, because by then, I would've invested so much time in it that I would have been obliged to stay awake until the game ended. Which would have been 1:30 our time. Good thing I'm only one time zone away, or I'd be really screwed.

A nice day today, he says, switching topics faster than Mitt Romney changes his mind. Sorry; best I could come up with, and admittedly not all that pertinent to the Canadian audience. But still, a zinger, no?

Anyway. Beautiful sunny weather--the kind that makes me almost forget that last week at this time, it was snowing like a mofo. Oh wait, there's still a bunch of it on the ground to remind me of winter's ever-present death grip on this prairie landscape. Seriously, enough already.

The comforting thing (and yes, a little bit scary) is that in exactly three weeks, I'll be sitting on my couch in Langley, hopefully watching some playoff hockey on a TV that doesn't look like a prairie weather pattern (is that a better simile? Not sure if the witty simile processor is tuned this evening). In the words of Worf, that will be glorious.

And if you're wondering where that one came from, I saw a picture of a Klingon tonight, ergo Star Trek analogy. That, and I know how much my wife hates Star Trek, and mentioning it in the house is verboten. But you, my friends, you accept me for who I am, and allow the occasional Star Trek reference in this otherwise high-brow forum.

Anyway. Other than dirty water and sunny weather, it was a remarkably ordinary day. Which is just amazing, actually. I intentionally took a sabbath today, knowing that I'm right back into it tomorrow, and until next Wednesday when the last project is handed in. Oh, then there's that one pesky final exam, but I'm not concerned. Considering the midterm took me all of 10 minutes to complete, the final won't be much more intensive. Famous last words.

To sum up: went to school this morning for a quick meeting, then back home. The boy was sleeping (he woke up quite a bit earlier than usual, which meant he was tired earlier than usual), so I took the time to organize all the various pieces of paper that had accumulated over the past week when I wasn't able to do anything about them. Lunch (hot dogs, if you must know), then some play time with the boy. He still loves it outside, so that's where we went. He has a piece of a broom handle that he loves to play with. Not sure exactly what he's doing with it, but it's fun for him. Took the time to clean out the car, too, which felt good.

After play time, the boy and wife wandered off (purposefully) to play group, in which time I did a small amount of school work--just enough to spare me the inevitable guilt if the day is completely deprived of said work. They got home, and it was back outside for the boy again, for a little bit of daddy time. It was great, until he face-planted into a snowbank. Perhaps I'm just an extra cruel parent, but man, was that ever funny. Yes, he was upset, as you would be. He had so much momentum going forward that when he hit, his legs left the ground, and, for one horrible moment, all of his body weight pressed his face further down into the snow. It's terrible, but I'm laughing just thinking about it. It wasn't funny for him, though, and much consolation was required. Which of course, only mommy can really do.

Dinner was early tonight (pasta, for those keeping tabs of my carb/calorie intake, which I assure you is not me), and then a quick bath for the boy. Again, bathtime was shorted by a mishap--this time he managed to slip while sitting down and fall (backwards, fortunately) into the water. Again, much consolation from mom was required, but to be honest, we were glad to get him out of the bath, because we're not quite sure exactly how clean one can get in water that murky.

Put the boy to bed, went to the grocery store to get some more Tylenol for him (his teeth are really bothering him, although none of them are finding it important enough to actually break the gumline and show themselves. That's what, three months now with no new teeth? It's getting a bit ridiculous, if you ask me, but you didn't, so disregard), and then it was Battlestar Galactica, and now blogging before bed. BSG continues to be excellent in season two, you'll be happy to know. The directing is amazing, the storylines are more compelling, and the actors seem to have taken things up a notch this season, too. And hey, it's filmed in BC, so I get to see green grass and trees with leaves and such.

Oh, the boy just awoke with a fit of crying--likely the teeth, as the Tylenol we gave him before bed will have worn off by now. Good thing I went and got some more.

With that, it's time to go to bed, as the alarm rings at the early hour again tomorrow. I'm also going to see if wife requires any husband-related help with the boy, even though she is the more able consoler. We shall see.

Have a wonderful weekend, all. I'll see you back here again on Monday.

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