
Where Exactly is the Wazoo?

It's days like this that I asked why on earth I ever moved to the prairies in the first place. Cold, cold, and cold, are the three words that describe this weather best. In fact, today I booked an appointment to get snow tires put on the car. That and a block heater installed. Not sure what I'll do with either of those things when we move back to BC. At least I might be able to sell the tires. Anyone looking for a set for next year?

I made this decision today after a rather embarassing happening on my way to school this morning. I was running late (as usual in the morning, unfortunately), and as a result was taking the walk a little too fast for the conditions. Suddenly, down I went on an icy patch. Crash. Fortunately I broke my fall with my coffee mug--had I actually broken the mug I would've been really upset. Coffee is the only thing that keeps me going. Anyway, the mug hitting the pavement sent coffee spilling all over the place--had I been thinking, I would've made a coffee snow cone or something--and I hit my knee on the sidewalk. At that point I figured that going to school was bad for me, so I skipped my morning meeting.

No permanent damage done, except for maybe a bruised ego. Fortunately, anyone who would've seen me would be students, and they were all where they were supposed to be, so unless I find a picture of myself on facebook.com, I think I'm alright. I'm going to check YouTube before I go to bed, too.

I now know for sure that I'm going to graduate in April, pending my passing all my courses. Nice. Had a huge run-around today between my advisor and the registrar and the chair of the Bible and Theology department. Fun times. Again, I love being the guinea pig. But it's all sorted out now, and I'm feeling pretty good. If I can get through the end of the semester without going insane, that'll be a big step toward it. I'm thinking I'll probably be working on a course when we go home in December, just to lessen my workload for next semester. Then again, sitting in front of my very big TV and playing Playstation all day also sounds appealing, so we'll see.

As another administrative note, I've changed over to the new "Blogger Beta", which means not a thing to you in blog-reading land, but it has some pretty interesting enhancements. Except the sign-in procedure. Anyway, one of the things I'm looking at is the ability to make blogs private, accessible only to certain email addresses. I'm tossing that idea up for Theo's blog, mostly, but I won't do anything on it until January at the earliest. I'm going to be playing around with the appearance of the blog over the next little bit, though, so you never know what you're going to find here.

Speaking of Theo's blog, sorry for the lack of updates. With visitors in the house, school work coming out the wazoo, and a wife and child who have some unrealistic expectation that I'll actually spend time with them, I haven't had a chance to get to it this week. That's also why I missed a day on this blog, in case anyone was getting to the "write an angry email" stage.

Hopefully next week I'll be a little less stressed out. Okay, let me rephrase that: by the end of next week, I'll be less stressed out. I got to finish my presentation today, but I've got a crazy week tomorrow, including an assignment due Wednesday, a sermon to preach on Thursday, and a major project due Friday. Plus, I've also got another major project due the week after that. Mind you, the week after that is the last week of the semester (which is also really scary), so I guess I'll be good after that. Then it's back home. To get my wisdom teeth pulled. Hooray.

One more thing before I call it a night. When I posted last time about the whole chapel seating issue, I didn't mean it as a slag against my school or any of the people in it. I intended to give a witty reflection on the state of society in general (and the church specifically) and I think it came across as a slam against PBI and its students, which really makes me a big hypocrite. So my apologies to my school and its students, and anyone else who might have been offended by that rant. Just goes to show that posting in the morning isn't the greatest idea.

That's it; I'm tired. See you all tomorrow night for the always fun Friday night posting.

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