
A Smallish Offering

Well, it's late, and the alarm goes off way too early on Wednesday mornings to provide much in the way of incisive and witty writing. However, since I went long yesterday, I feel relieved of my responsibility to write volumes, and thus I will share with you one small pop culture observation, and leave it at that.

I think I've finally discovered the worst commercial ever. I know, it's a bit of a subjective topic, but I'm sure we can all agree that the new Tim Horton's Yogurt and Berries commercial is the worst ever made. In the history of TV ad campaigns. That's two dishonourable mentions for Canada's favourite donut/coffee shop on this blog. For shame, Mr. Horton! For shame!

You all know the one I'm talking about, right? First of all, didn't her mother tell her that if she's going to bring something for one person, she has to bring enough for everyone? And what's she trying to do exactly, show the other ladies up by bringing a treat for her teacher? Suck up. Furthermore, if I were the other people in the yoga class, my first thought wouldn't be to complete the metaphor for my obviously-distracted-by-her-yogurt-and-berries instructor; no, it would be to find a way to inflict some sort of yoga-related torture on the stupid chick who brought the stupid yogurt in the first place. Stupid.

And do you think they could've found more annoying actors for the roles? I can see the casting call now: "Wanted for new commercial--fit-looking middle-age women with very annoying voices and pedantic mannerisms." If that was my yoga class (and let's be serious about the chances of me attending a yoga class), I would leave feeling less relaxed than when I arrived.

The problem with this commercial, as with many commercials seen on TV, is the frequency at which we are subjected to them. For example, I think that Tim Horton's commercial comes on at least four times an hour, if not more, and I only get two stations. On the bright side, at least Subway fired John Lovitz. I guess that did, in fact, happen to him once.

With that, the night concludes. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you tomorrow.


Jane said...

I SO agree with you about that commercial. Shudder.

Anonymous said...

No Mark, there is a worse commercial..... the Ikea one with the blonde saying "Start the car". That is my vote for the worse commercial ever!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


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