
Thursday, February 15, 2007

How about a show of hands: who here thinks Valentine's Day is silly? I know I'm not alone in this assessment. That said, I think, in my vast wisdom, that it's probably not wise to spend too much time in front of the computer and not with my wife, so I'll be brief.

I was going to launch into a polemic against the Valentine's Day thing, how it's a manufactured holiday (and a rip-off at that--$30 for a dozen roses?!), how it forces artifical gestures of affection, and how it's totally depressing to those who aren't in relationships, but I think that's inappropriate. Besides, we all know those things are true, and yet we keep buying into it anyway. Oh well. I guess you just have to capture that spirit and not be such a poor sport about it like I am.

An update to the furnace saga of last night. Turns out my jubilation over the repair was short-lived--the pilot went out again after I published the post. Fortunately, I knew that the gas line had been choked off (for some strange, unknown reason), so I re-lit the pilot and pulled the choke back a little, and it seemed to do the trick. If I was paying for the new thermocouple and the repair job, I'd be mad, but I'm not, so I don't care. It needed the new part anyway.

By the way, I tried to find a picture, or at least a reference, to our furnace on the web, just to show you all what I'm dealing with, but, alas, I couldn't find anything on this vast world-wide web about it at all, besides a website all about the repair and maintenance of mobile homes. I know, the furnace was built with the house in 1973, so it's unlikely that I could have found a reference, but come on, it's the internet! In case you were wondering, it's a Coleman 8680-756, which means nothing to you, but what it does mean is that Google will now have an entry matching that query. Cool.

One other thing: the weather. Yes, it was cold today. When I woke up, it was -28, with the windchill bringing it down to -38. Lovely. Walked to school in it, though, like a good prairie boy. But good news: it's warmed up substantially through the day, and it's now only -14 (which is warmer than it got all day yesterday, when we officially got to -31). Better news: it's supposed to crack the good side of zero tomorrow! I'll believe it when I see it, but man, that'd be so cool. It's shorts and T-shirt weather, for sure. We'll see.

And that, my friends, is all for this evening. 12 minutes of blogging, a few paragraphs, and still time to finish off the evening with my wife. When you're good, you're good. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the valentines thing, both your Auntie Bern and myself agree that if you can't show that you love someone the other 364 days of the year, what good is it to show it just one day! Just another crass(?) form of commercialism!

I know how you feel about the weather. We just came through another week of -20 or worse and yesterday it was above zero. Gives you hope that spring is actually around the corner!

Keep up the great blogging! It's an excellent way to find out how life is going with youse guys.