
Friday, February 16, 2007

Warm today, just as predicted. Nice enough, in fact, to take the boy for a walk to a weekly playgroup that happens on Thursdays. It was a nice break for Steph to be able to walk outside and take Theo, and it was good for them to get out of the house and interact with their fellow humans. It's pretty tough to do that when your primary concern is how many layers you have to wear to prevent frostbite (quite literally).

The heat--if I can call hitting the freezing mark "heat"--made for some other interesting conditions, too. The snow, for example, takes on that strange, sponge-like quality that so characterizes snow on the west coast. Usually, I'm okay wearing canvas shoes into the snow, because I know that it won't melt; today, my feet got wet walking to the shed and back. I'm definitely not used to this.

Another benefit--all the mud-cicles on our car fell off. When you drive on streets that have been repeatedly sanded--I'm not sure why they call that junk "sand," but I digress--and it's freezing, all the snow that your tires kick up freezes to the undercarriage of your car, until it looks like you've got a pretty sweet side panel on it. Hey, instant lowrider, right? Anyway, the longer it's cold, the more of this disgusting snow-mud mixture sticks to your car. We had quite the collection of it, but it's now on our driveway. In fact, when I drove out this morning, I took some of it with me, and left a trail of muddy snow from our driveway to the corner.

Other than the weather, not much to report. I'm not sure why, but today felt like a day where I was really just waiting for the day to start, and now it's over. It's funny how that happens. Somewhere in there, I managed to have a meeting, send a bunch of emails, do some homework, eat three squares, bathe the child, and put him to bed, so I suppose the day was a success. But it's just weird.

One administrative thing that I have to note is a slight change in the format of this here blog. I figure that most of you who read this do so on the weekdays, and so you probably don't see my Friday posting until Monday, at which point it is hopelessly irrelevant (boy, that's giving myself some credit, eh?). So I've decided that Thursday night's posting--which you'll most likely read on Friday anyway--will be the final one for the week, and I'll post on Sunday night so that you have a fresh entry on Monday. Capisce? Good.

There's a reason behind that. This weekend is the first ever "Creation Conference" here in Three Hills. It's put on by Creation Ministry International--who have a pretty slick website. The conference will, as the title implies, address issues related to creation/evolution, but in a way that isn't just young-earth theory "because that's what the Bible says." I've never really studied this aspect of theology as much as I've wanted to, and it really piques my interest. Besides, I have a 1/2 credit hole in my grad checklist, and I can use this conference to fill it (as long as I write a paper, which means I have to pay attention).

On a side note, I did wonder what would happen if I was 1/2 a credit short on grad day. Would they still let me graduate? Probably, I would hope, because, well, 1/2 a credit is really a stupid reason to hold me back. However, in the spirit of not taking any chances that I won't be able to leave this town in May, I decided not to risk it. Good choice, too, if you ask me.

Anyway, the conference runs tomorrow night and all day Saturday, so by the time I get home tomorrow--after a full day at school as well, including a presentation--I'll probably be way too bagged to get anything up here. So there you go--it's a good solution.

So with that, have a super weekend. I'll see you back here on Monday with a lovely weekend recap, including telling you all about how dinosaurs fit into the Bible. See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people check your blog every day, Mark!