Woe is me. Okay, it's not all bad. It was a lovely day today. The morning cold perhaps overstayed its welcome, but by noon it was nice. The only issue was the wind, which managed to sustain itself at over 40 km/h for the most part of the day. At least it was a south wind, not an icy north wind. Still and all, it was quite gusty.
This morning was spent on school work, which is intensely boring to read about. Wife wasn't feeling well today (there's some sort of cold going around here which manifests itself mostly in an intensely sore throat), so I took care of the boy in the afternoon. Well, first he had his nap, which he has now decided should be in the afternoon, and then I took care of him. We went down to IGA for our thrice-weekly $20 expenditure, and took our time wandering around. I went to school to see my distance ed advisor--she's quite a lovely lady, and is enamoured with the boy--and then let him wander around campus for a while. He was having loads of fun.
When we finally got home, we promptly went back outside, because, well, there were things to do. He likes to use his decapitated broom to push rocks around in the driveway (and then eat them), and today we also had some fun running around the yard. Unfortunately, having been taken by surprise by winter's sudden arrival, I didn't get a chance to mow the lawn before the snow came, so my backyard resembles a jungle. The major problem with long grass is that is trips up little legs, and much frustration began to abound near the end of our time outside.
Back inside, I made dinner with the wife's steady supervision. She had the dinner planned out, but lacked sufficient energy to make her plan a reality. She coached me well, though, because dinner turned out to be delicious. Not that I can't make a good meal myself, but I just know better than to interfere with my wife when she has a plan. See, marriage has taught me something!
After dinner, it was the usual routine--clean up the toys, take a bath, go to bed. Spraying dad with water out of a squeeze toy is the new favourite bath routine, and I, of course, oblige. I even load the squeeze toy with water, just to be sprayed in the face by it. But I know that playing games with dad is a short-lived phenomenon, so I enjoy them, even when they make me wet. And when I say, "wet," I mean it.
Wife took care of the bedtime bottle, which allowed me to further put off doing school work. After the boy was down, it was more Battlestar Galactica. We're just getting to the end of season one now, and it continues to be brilliant. I hear that this season is even better, so I'm looking forward to that. After TV, wife packed it in early, hoping to get enough rest to sustain her through my long day at school tomorrow. Here's hoping.
In other news. Spent some time tonight researching a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with anything except a possible future--gardening. Having a garden at the townhouse has allowed me to discover my green thumb, and man, am I ever liking it. The problem is that I don't know very much about it, except that one must provide water to plants to keep them from death. Any more advanced than that, and I'm totally out of my league.
Anyway. There's much more to gardening than meets the eye, as I have found in my internet sojourn this evening. Wherever we end up next, I'm going to arm myself with some serious gardening knowledge and I'm going to make me a garden. I'll grow vegetables as a shout out to my German farmer roots (no pun intended), and I'll grow flowers as a shout out to my Dutch tulip-loving roots. It'll be awesome.
This just in: it is possible to be manly and talk about gardening.
Well, that topic exhausted itself more quickly than I thought it would. There's only so much one can say about growing plants before one comes to the end of one's rudimentary knowledge.
I suppose, then, that I'll be doing my usual sign-off at this point. Hey wait, this is the last posting of the week. Oh man, I can't end like this. I'll think of something.
How about this: I've managed to abandon my travel coffee mug at school. Oh yes, I know exactly where it is, but I can't get to it until tomorrow. Having already broken one travel mug this semseter, and having thus stolen my wife's mug (and tainted it forever with my coffee--all part of the master plan), I am out of muggage. I face the untidy prospect of having to go to class tomorrow without my ever-present companion. I suppose I'll just drink my coffee here before I leave, but seriously, I have an image to maintain. Of course, I could just give up drinking coffee, which would probably be better for me, but I'm far too addicted to consider a rash course of action like that.
Aha! I know what it was that I was going to put up here. Oh yeah, this is going to be good.
Much to nobody's surprise, my son and I are quite similar. Okay, he's a year old, but I mean in personality and such. There are starting to be some really uncanny resemblances between us. Take, for example, our obsession with snacking on breakfast cereal.
Let me tell you a little story. Roughly 27 years ago, a young boy gained a fond appreciation for the little O-shaped cereal known as Cheerios. He would snack on them tenaciously (you're right, not the best adverb for the situation), and often snuck into the kitchen to sneak handfuls straight from the box. One day, his parents caught him red-handed, and, as all parents do, snapped a photo of the occasion; a photo that has become famous in the Carroll household, and has been passed down through the generations like something that gets passed down through the generations.
Now, in the year 2007, history repeats itself. In a little town called Three Hills, another young boy develops an affinity for O-shaped cereal (although due to his wheat sensitivity, he cannot eat the actual "Cheerios" brand, but a generic substitute that does not contain wheat). He, too, likes to sneak them straight from the box, and his parents, too, caught him red-handed and snapped a picture. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the latest exhibit: "Like Father, Like Son"
And yes, I did try to put the photos side-by-side, but it didn't work, and I'm too tired to spend any time figuring out how to make them better. I know there's a way, but it is hidden with the blogger gnostics, and any attempt to glean it will result in sure scourging. Some other time, perhaps.
Now that's what I call a weekend send-off. Happy Friday, everyone! I hope your week has been fantastic, and I also hope that next week contains plans to stop by the little blog that you're presently reading. I hope to see you then.