
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Warmed up a little today. By that I mean it was only -5. We'll take it, though. And hey, Environment Canada has actually moved the warm day--it's supposed to happen tomorrow. Plus-11 degrees, they say. I'm still cynical, but I'm starting to think that we'll at least get something above zero. Would be nice, is all.

Despite the cold weather, I still took the boy outside for a little romp today. He saw some kids playing outside, and he ran up to the window and started waving at them. How can you keep a kid inside under conditions like that? So we bundled him up, and went for a walk. We went down the street, following the kids on their bikes, and then back toward the house, meeting one of the neighbourhood cats on the way, which just tickled Theo pink. Good times.

Unforunately, it's still teething week here. Now it looks like there are at least two teeth getting ready to make their appearance, but I just wish they'd pop, for the love of puppies. Today seemed to be his most intense of the past while, so maybe that's a positive sign. It's not fun for any of us, that's for sure.

Other than that, the day was pretty uneventful. Got some stuff cleared up at school, and now it looks like I'm actually going to be able to graduate in April, pending passing my courses. Actually, it's a bit of a funny (and sad) story.

I got a notice in the mail at the beginning of January that said that the registrar's office didn't have a copy of my high school transcript, and without that, I can't graduate. I could have sworn I had forwarded a copy when I applied, so I checked with my advisor. Apparently, I only provided my SFU transcript (which would imply that I graduated from high school), so I didn't need one then. But I need one now for some reason.

Anyway, I sent off my request (and my $10, as if the government needs that much to process my request), and waited. A month later, I got another notice that I needed to supply my high school transcript. But the BC government had already cashed my cheque. Hmm, something fishy was going on.

At the same time, my parents started to get strange mail from Prairie addressed to me at their house, which I haven't lived at for five years. They were admissions packages, addressed to me, thanking me for my interest in coming to Prairie. Weird.

Today, I happened to be in the area of the admissions office, so I stopped by to see why they were sending me mail when I was already a student, and how they got my parents' address. It was a mystery, until the girl asked me, "Did you recently have a transcript sent in?" Ah ha--that's where it got to.

I asked her if they still had the transcript upstairs, or if they had sent it downstairs to the registrar's office where it belonged. Nope. In fact, they had noticed their oversight in putting my name on the mailing list, but it hadn't occurred to them that maybe I'd have a reason for sending in a transcript. Instead, they just stuck it in a filing cabinet, where it would have sat forever, had I not coincidentally come up to look into this other thing. Interesting.

The good news is that I took it down to the registrar's office myself, and handed it in, so I'm good now. But the thing is that it would've just sat up in the admissions office while I panicked over where the heck my transcript was. Some efficient system they've got here. It seems to me that in a school of 400 students, you might actually be able to work these things out.

Anyway. It's close to 10:00 (which is almost past my bedtime, since it's a full day of school tomorrow), so I will sign off. I've left the 24 update to the very end. Don't read it if you haven't seen it (mom and dad). If this is where you stop, thanks for coming by. Read on if you care to.

When we last left our story, the president and Dr. Bashir were just involved in an explosion. Something tells me that’s where they’re going to pick things up…

5:01 – Okay, how’d they get him to that operating room so fast? Do they have an actual working hospital in the bunker, staffed 24/7 by medical professionals (already scrubbed in, no less) in case of assassination attempts inside the bunker? Wow, they’ve really thought of everything.

5:02 – Hey Jack, can’t you have that conversation in the car with president Logan, you know, on the way to where you’re supposed to be?! Just a thought. Oh no, you have to stand outside and give him another “I don’t trust you” lecture. Yeah, we’ve heard it before. Move on.

5:05 – Dang it! They did kill him.

5:07 – Okay, wait a minute. How do they get the teleconference camera to focus in on each of the speakers as they’re speaking? For example, when the doctor was talking, the VP saw only him in his monitor; when the SecDef was speaking, only his ugly that-guy-from-that-show mug appeared. That’s some pretty good technology.

5:08 – Uh oh, Rob Lowe’s less-talented (is that possible?) brother—you’re in trouble. It’s funny, but whenever I see Chad Lowe playing someone in the president’s employ, I can’t help but think of Rob Lowe’s role on The West Wing. Weird, eh?

5:12 – Wow, I’m so glad he ‘fessed up. I couldn’t handle another conspiracy “when are they going to find out the truth?” plotline. Way to go, Ally McBeal guy!

5:18 – I think it’s probably not a good idea to screw with the big Russian guy on his turf (which, by the way, looks like it was built by the czar, but I digress). Did you see how menacing he was with that cigar cutter in his hand? Scary. I’ll bet he knows 100 ways to kill you with it.

5:20 – What did they have to do to make him make that face?

5:25 – Chloe always needs to keep it under the radar. You know, it’d be nice if Jack, for once, had enough trust in his superiors to run an op with their knowledge. One day (when the world isn’t about to end, of course) Jack’s going to get a performance evaluation, and it’s going to be bad.

5:32 – You know, it seems to me that a better interrogation procedure when the guy has turned himself in wouldn’t be to play bad cop and accuse him of being the terrorist’s helper. I’m just thinking that for the good of the country, maybe you could take him at face value. Where did this guy go to school?

5:37 – My kingdom for a voice recorder…

5:38 – Wow, it sure is easy to break into the Russian embassy.
5:44 – Uh oh, the Russian president has threatened “the most forceful diplomatic measures at our disposal.” What does that mean, exactly? An angry letter to the UN? Not much of a threat.5:46 – I knew the cigar cutter would come into it.

5:59 – Dang it. I thought that guy would be helpful. Here’s my question: you pick up your spent shell casing, yet his blood is sprayed all over the wall, and his body, with a bullet hole in it, lies on the floor. How are you going to cover that one up? Just wondering.

With that, another exciting episode of 24 and this blog conclude. Thanks for stopping by. See you again tomorrow.

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