
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

At this point, I sincerely regret having left town this past weekend and sacrificing all those useful days of school work. It's 12:45 right now (hey, for once I won't have to change the time of this posting), and I'm spent. I've just finished a 16-page, 4700-word essay that's due tomorrow. It was the worst essay writing experience of my life, and I'm really glad it's over. There's part of me that knows it's not the best work I could have done, but there's another part of me that tells me I'll never be satisfied no matter how much I tweak it, and handing it in tomorrow is probably the best thing I could do.

And just in case you think I've been slacking off for the rest of the day, I'll have you know that I completed another four-page paper earlier, a two-page report, had a meeting with my project group about our presentation tomorrow, met with another guy about another presentation we're doing tomorrow, and went to chapel. I'm getting tired just reading that list.

But there's a light on the horizon: the playoffs start tomorrow.

With that, I will crap out on you for another day. I'm sorry. I really do have stories about this weekend, but you're going to have to wait. And yes, I know Theo's blog is being neglected, but that's the price you pay for it being the end of the semester (and did I mention it's only 17 days to grad?).

By the way, it snowed again today.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Go Canucks! Do you have any playoff predictions?