
Thursday, May 10, 2007

It'll have to be a quickie tonight--our internet connection has again been reunited with our computer, but our computer is in my mom-in-law's room, and she wants to go to bed. Alas.

Fortunately, there's not much to report. Today was like any other, if any other included a trip into Richmond to visit the great-grandma (the boy's great-grandma, not mine). Fun times were had by all; my sister came out for lunch too, which made it a lot of fun. We hung around and played in the park.

Of course, all this is made more, well, hectic by the fact that teething is yet again back in full swing. Unlike all the previous times, however, this time we're actually getting a result. Two teeth have cut through the gumline so far; both are pre-molars, and both are on the right side of his mouth. So he's going to have gaps between his teeth, and only half a mouthful of teeth at that, but I think it's going to be even cuter to do it that way. Hopefully things start going a little bit more smoothly in the coming days, but there are no guarantees. You know, I'll put up with a whole lot of angry baby if it means that teeth are coming. At least you only have to cut teeth once.

Other than that, not much to report. Got some happy news on the job front today: the church that I'm pursuing a relationship with has decided that we're good enough to move to the next level with, which is really exciting. We had lunch with the pastor and his wife, along with the personnel guy, yesterday, and I suppose it went well enough to warrant a call-back. I'm really excited about this church and its paradigm of ministry, and the job is pretty stellar, too. All will be revealed in due time if things go well. If not, well, you'll always wonder what church it was.

The only really frustrating thing that happened today was with my DVD player. I'm four weeks behind in my 24 watching, so I had every intention to catch up on at least two of those episodes tonight (while keeping tabs on the Giants game and planning my viewing around America's Next Top Model, which is one of the wife's favourites). I put in the time burning a DVD from my computer (which took close to three hours), popped the DVD into the player, and alas, no 24! It wouldn't even load the menu. Disappointing.

You see, our DVD player is a pretty good one, or at least it was in 2002 when it was purchased. I'm of the school that says that products should last more than five years, but apparently, the electronics industry isn't with me in that. It has decided to completely stop working now, at least for burned DVD's, and even some "real" ones. Frustrating. But it could have been worse. We were watching a movie several months ago, and we got about 15 minutes in before the player stopped reading it entirely. It was frustrating because, although it wasn't a great movie, we had watched enough to be invested in it, and getting cut off 15 minutes in is really teasing. Better to not see any of it, in my mind.

Anyway. This has all been pretty inane, so it's best to put it (and me) to bed. Thanks for coming by and putting in your time. See you tomorrow.

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