
It's Never Too Late for Blogging...

I'll admit it, tonight I was very much considering heading straight to bed without doing a blog posting, but I have a reputation to maintain, so here I am. It's 12:15 and I just finished my school work. Okay, I haven't actually finished all the work I should do, but that's what mornings are for, right? I'm just far too tired to read any more tonight, so too bad. If I don't get it done, then so be it.

Ooh, look at me, I'm a rebellious college student.

One good thing about blogging this late at night is that I have something to open with other than the weather. In fact, as Steph pointed out, I think I've opened with a weather-related anecdote every day for the past two weeks. Not that it's not worth blogging about (more snow today, by the way), but it's just, well, it's the weather, and that's so totally not cool to talk about. But it really is quite fascinating for me; I think I could do an entire blog based on a BC native's response to Alberta's crazy weather. Good reading. If you're an insomniac, that is.

Still with me? Even after the weather talk? Wow, you guys are dedicated. Not much in the way of excitement today, unless you count way too much time spent on one assignment as "excitement" (I don't, in case you're keeping score). I'm taking homeletics (a fancy word for "learning how to preach") this semester, and that means I have three sermons to do. My first one comes up on Thursday. The hard part for me isn't preparing it or even delivering it; the hard part is cutting it down to the six minutes I've been alotted. Yikes. You all know me, and you know that there is no way that I can say anything in less than 10 minutes. It's been a real challenge for me, but I think I've got it down pat.

One of the things this course has made me do is self-evaluation. Oh, how I hate it so! Tonight I was practicing (which sounds remarkably like talking to yourself) and I realized how much I move and fidget while I speak. How on earth am I going to be able to be relatively still while I preach? How can I only gesture when appropriate? Oy. This is going to be more difficult than I thought. The worst part is that we're videotaped, and we have to watch our video afterward. In fact, the prof wants us to watch it on fast-forward, just so that we get a good idea of how much we move during our sermons. Then we have to watch it at regular speed and actually listen to what it is we were saying. I dread that. Oh how I dread it. Please, can we do something else, like, oh, I don't know, pour hot wax on my eyeballs?

I know, I've got some weird quirks. But that's why you all keep coming by and subjecting yourself to my interminable rantings, right? Okay, don't answer.

Before I get even more self-deprecating, I think it's time to hit the hay. My apologies for the relative lack of content in this here post, although I'm sure it's not something you'll send me flaming emails over. Although if you were to send something, how about a Starbucks card? Or even just a piece of paper with your name on it. Come on, it's fun to get mail! And we don't get very much of it! And we're lonely!

Yikes. It's seriously time to stop. See you all tomorrow.

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