
This Blog Never Expires...

I knew it. I knew that I'd pay the price for commenting on the weather to start yesterday's entry. Paid in two ways, actually. Both are disturbing, although one is far more so than the other.

First, the easy one. Woke up this morning to snow on the ground, again. Dang it. While wife and I were walking to school this morning with son strapped to chest in a Snugli, I made a comment about how ironic it was that yesterday I extolled the virtues of the wind on a crisp, cold day, and said that it was actually quite refreshing when it wasn't blowing snow in your face. Well, today I had the opportunity to test that theory. I was right.

The second way I paid for the posting was actually quite disturbing. Just after I posted, I realized I had to make some edits to the bugger, so I did that and reposted. Then I read through it once more in its template, just to see, and lo! there was a comment! I checked it out, thinking that one of you might have been coming by at just the right time. Turns out it wasn't any of you. No, it was some random idiot (I had stronger words for him yesterday) who had stopped by and taken the effort to post the most disgustingly lewd comment I have ever seen, and ever hope to see again. It was horrendous. I actually felt dirty afterwards.

It really shook me. I guess in my naivete, I thought that nobody would be interested in this blog besides those who know us. But I suppose that's the inherent danger of living in a broader community such as this one. There's always one bad apple that spoils the bunch. But hey, mystery comment guy (well, he's not a mystery to me--he has a blog. I went to it. It's just as lewd and disgusting as his comments), I'm going to pray for you. And I don't mean that in some "uber-Christian" Bible-thumping way--I mean it sincerely. You are clearly very troubled and in need of something bigger than yourself to hold on to for meaning. I hope you find it.

Moving on. I had typed something in here that was going nowhere, so I took it out. Sometimes it's just best to start again. And although a segue is difficult from that last topic, I'm going to give it a shot.

Man, that guy really added some spice to my night last night. Speaking of spices, I have a story to tell (nice moves, eh?). The landlords have left a few spices in the cupboard for us, which we assume we're allowed to use. I really hope so, at least. If not, well, that sucks. Anyway, we were using one of these spices a couple of nights ago, and I noticed the expiry date on the top of the bottle: September 29, 2008.

Several things disturb me about this. There's the obvious: that's more than two years away. Holy chemically-induced shelf-life, Batman! Why am I putting this stuff in my mouth, anyway? I think that the time has come for me to give some serious thought to exactly what it is I'm ingesting. No, I'm not going to turn into some crazy health nut (although this whole going to the gym thrice a week is really paying off), nor am I going to be a vegan. I just think that maybe we need to reconsider the equation that tells us that the convenience of having something at the ready isn't worth the fact that we're putting several compounds whose names are more than 30 letters and are completely unpronouncable into our mouths. Just a thought. I'll probably forget it by tomorrow, but for now, I'm committed!

The other thing is just the sheer ridiculousness of that expiry date. Who determined, and how did they do so, that the expiry date would be exactly September 29, 2008. What's so magical about that day. On September 28, everything will be hunky-dory; but woe betide you if you sprinkle the Italian seasoning on your pork chops the day after! It's as if the secret chemical ingredients will hold valiantly on until the 28th, but, due to such things as the interaction of the strong and weak nuclear forces, on the 29th they will be torn asunder, never to have their spicy goodness again. However, I am inclined to believe such things, and it only gives ammunition to point number one. After all, scientists know the exact half-life of every elemental compound known to man--I assume that what they did was plug the masses and numbers into the ol' 286 and voila!--the exact date the chemicals will break down and be useless. And perhaps harmful to human consumption. Silly.

Okay, I'm spent. I know, pretty paltry, and not even all that amusing, but it's Friday, and, well, I'm tired. Looking forward to the weekend--I have babysitting duties all day tomorrow as wife will be off hugging and crying. Depending on the weather, the boy and I might end up on some great adventure across the central Alberta countryside--you never know. But one thing you do know is that I'll be here on Monday to report to you all the sordid details. See you then.

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