
The End of Birthday Week

I'll be mercifully short this evening. It's 11:20, and I'm only typing this because I had an email I just had to get out, or I wouldn't sleep all night. You know the feeling, right? There's that one thing nagging at you as you drift off, and no matter how many times you tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow, you know that if you just get up and do it now, you'll be able to sleep. Or so you tell yourself. Plus, I forgot that I had removed the battery from the smoke detector earlier in the day (it has a bad habit of going off whenever the shower is on and the door is open--so I guess it's not so much a "smoke detector" as a "steam detector", which makes sense, since they're both equally as deadly) so I had to put it back.

Does anyone have a carbon monoxide detector in their house (or as we ex-chem majors like to call it, a CO detector)? We have one here, and man, that thing just goes through batteries like a mofo. Got a new battery last week--it lasted a day. That's why I took the battery out of my smoke detector--I wanted to see if it would power the CO detector. It doesn't. Does this thing have an ego problem, or what? Just has to be the one with the full battery all the time. Always whining about its battery being low. Don't you work with someone like that?

The reason I wasn't going to post at all today was because I was busy throwing my wife a birthday party. Okay, it wasn't necessarily a "party" in that we were the only guests, but it was fun nonetheless. Creme Caramel was involved, as was the first season of Grey's Anatomy. Seriously, great show. We're only two seasons behind.

I'm totally digging this "get the TV show on DVD" thing. No commercials, no set time to watch, and, if people keep calling and wishing your wife a happy birthday, no having to find a way to get off the phone without telling friends and family that a TV show is more important than them. Promotes harmony, and all. Good times.

You've probably guessed by the blog postings that our birthdays are six days apart, which makes for a good week in our house. There are some advantages and some disadvantages to being first, though. On the up side, being first means that I already know what Steph's done for me and can plan my one-upmanship accordingly. On the down side, she quite often puts me to shame with her meticulous preparation and planning, and there's nothing I can do better. Oh well, it's not about getting an advantage, right?

So in conclusion, happy birthday to my wife. This is the fifth birthday we've celebrated together as a couple (holy cow!), and things just keep getting better. What a lucky guy I am.

As for blogging, as mentioned we're heading back home tomorrow, so since there will be no (mis)adventures here in Three Hills, I guess you're going to have to learn to live without my rapier wit for a couple days. Don't worry, I'll be back a week from today. See you all then, and happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog! Hope you have a safe trip to the coast and a happy Thanksgiving with your families. Keep up the entertaining diatribe!

Lydia said...

Hi Mark and Steph,

Just wanted to say hello. It was nice to catch up a little on your life through your blogs (wow, you really have embraced this hobby Mark!). I tried to send Steph an email...but now that you have pulled a move on me, I'm not sure if I have the correct address. I would love to hear from you sometime, so please keep in touch!
